Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekly Update 5/19-END OF YEAR


8th Grade Eng-of-Year Activities:
Friday, May 23—Schlitterbahn and Post-field trip “Activity Fest”
Wednesday, May 28—Academic Celebration (Awards Ceremony), 6:30
Thursday, May 29—Promotion Ceremony* at Butler Field House; No school for 8th graders, 9 am

*Students received an informational brochure on Thursday, 5/15 about Schlitterbahn and 8th Grade Promotion. Please pay close attention to the dress code expected at the promotion ceremony. We would hate for anyone to have to sit in the stands and watch promotion instead of walk across the stage due to dress code violations. Thank you for your support and attention in advance.

This Friday is the multi-cultural program. Many of our House C students are participating; you are welcome to join us in our celebration of our many cultures at Pin Oak. The talents of our student are amazing and are being showcased in the various performances this week in the fine arts and Pin Oak Idol.

We have learned that Darius Altman received a first place at the FotoFest for his project he did for History Fair on the Space Program.

Caroline Batten, Audrey Einhorn, and Erin Garza learned recently that they are finalists in the Christopher Columbus Contest some of our Dissertation students entered. The girls along with their Mr. Granthum, their dissertation advisor, will be traveling to Disney World to participate in the finals.

This will be the last update for the school year. Our team has truly enjoyed having your children as students this year. We are sad to see them leave, but are confident they will all enjoy high school and have exciting futures in front of them. Thank you for sharing your children with us this year!

Your 8C Cluster
Ms. Linsley, Ms. Qureshi, Mr. Scott, and Ms. Parchman

We had LTF testing this week, which has put us behind schedule in getting projects presented in class and reading in Mango Street. That is what we will be doing for the last bit of school. Students already have a large number of grades for my class, and there will not be many more.

All late work is due by Wednesday the 21st—no exceptions. Grades are due Friday the 23rd for 8th Grade, but I will be on the field trip to Schlitterbahn and will need to time to grade assignments and enter final grades by the 22nd. It is very possible that students that brought home high grades on progress reports have dropped if they have not turned in some assignments between then and now—especially the IRP, which counts three times. Please encourage students to get missing work in before the deadline.

The big landform project assigned over a month ago was due this week. Some of them are spectacular and will be a wonderful project to keep for geography in ninth grade. I will return the project and the grade on a separate sheet next week. Ask to see the project and the grade. Unfortunately, some of your children did not submit the project. The students will receive a grade for this project in both history and science.
I am sure we are going to hear great things about many of our students in the future as they continue with their academic careers. Please keep us informed; we consider these “our kids” and are interested in their successes. We wish them “the best!”

Please email Mr. Scott for Science information.

Algebra I: Final exams are on Wednesday during 1st and 3rd Period.
Students should report to their first period teachers to check in, although all teachers will receive a list of students attending final exams. After checking in, all students in Algebra 1 classes should report to the multi-purpose room with two sharpened number 2 pencils. Students should not bring cell phones, mp3 players, calculators, or calculator-enabled watches to the final exam room. Thus, it is best to leave such items at home to insure their safety.

Students have three assignments due on Tuesday, May 20th (10.5 from the text, Quadratics and Polynomial Test Exam 1 (for practice as homework), and a handout which requires them to graph quadratics. Students can turn in any missing homework by Monday, May 19th. I will not take late work after Monday. Students who will be absent Monday need to find a way to get any missing work to me on Monday.

Carnegie units are due by Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 P.M. The printouts available to students show what unit the student completed, as of the end of the last six weeks. Please add six to this number to determine how many units your child should complete by Wednesday. As the students are fully aware, additional units, beyond the required six, are extra credit. These extra credit units must be completed by the aforementioned deadline. Students finishing all units of the software will receive free geometry software for next year. If your student has finished the units by the day before graduation, please have him or her discuss this with me so that I may submit his/her name.

There will be no homework this week of final exams.

Final exams for pre-algebra will be given during class time on Monday. The test is comprehensive and contains content from the entire year. Students have been instructed on how to review for the final exam. Students who have missing or late work will need to submit it at the beginning of the class period prior to taking the final. No additional homework will be assigned and no work taken after the final exam. Please ensure that your student has the assignments complete. Students in pre-algebra received printouts during the week of May 11th. These reports show their current grade and what missing work they have. Please ask to see the printout.

On another note: Two weeks ago, students who were in danger of failing for the year signed for and received letters home that stated what they needed this six weeks in order to pass math for the year. These letters were for the parents and students. If you have seen some low report cards come home at any time during the year, please ask your student if he/she received a letter from Mrs. Qureshi. Alternatively, feel free to email me.

There will be no homework this week of final exams.