Thursday, September 20, 2007


GENERAL REMINDERS: Friday, Sept. 21st is EARLY RELEASE @ 1. Please arrange necessary transportation. Progress reports also go home. Thank you to those who attended open house Wednesday night. It was a pleasure meeting you all, and we look forward to working with you this year to make our students a SUCCESS!!

Want to meet with us? Schedule a team meeting with Ms.


Wednesday and Thursday of the current week (9/19-9/20), students received a grade print out from me (for my class only) that should clarify the grade you will see on Friday’s progress report. Many students are performing well, and have all work completed and turned in on time. I do have a number of students whose grades are low—and the main reason is missing work or many late assignments. Please speak with your child on a daily basis and monitor the work they are doing at home to be involved in their progress at school. Please bear in mind that with as many students as we each have in our charge, it is difficult to alert parents immediately when something is missing or late. Feel free to check in with me frequently if you know your child is having issues with turning work in on time, or just to check in on their progress. I will be happy to reply to inquiries to keep you updated.

On Monday and Tuesday, we will be watching the 1963 version of Lord of the Flies in class. This will be a good refresher for the test on Wednesday/Thursday. As I will tell the students, the test is over the novel, so any changes made to the text that are portrayed in the movie, should be disregarded. Friday, Sept. 21, I sent home a movie permission slip for you to sign. The movie contains very brief and mild nudity and cursing. Any child that does not have a signed permission slip will be sent to another room for the duration of the movie. Wednesday/Thursday is the Summer Reading Test. It will be over Lord of the Flies and their one choice book (Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie OR Ties that Bind, Ties that Break). It will be multiple choice and have 4 mini-essay questions. Please encourage your child to review these books. See below for other important items due this week.

Upcoming important dates:
Summer Reading Journals are due Sept. 26-27. This is also the day of their Summer Reading Test.

Book Checks are Sept. 25-26 and permission slips are due on the same day. No book projects will be accepted if I do not receive a permission slip.

Literature Term Quiz…if any student received a score below 70, they may bring it up to a 70 by doing the following (deadline is Tuesday 9/25). Write each of the 15 terms and definitions 3 x each, and write 1 example of each on notebook paper. Staple to quiz and turn in.

Most of your students are working really hard and doing a good job. The vast majority of my students earned an A or B average this three-week grading period. Please encourage them to keep up the good work and suggest any with a lower average come for tutorials. Mine are on Monday. The major reason for poor grades is not doing their work or not submitting it on time.
I usually make the advance assignments on Monday to be due the following week. The assignment this past Monday follows:
Read Chapter 3. Answer the chapter assessments and questions 1-22 on pp. 94-95. These form the basis for our class discussions. In addition, they have a map of the early colonies to combine into one map. The maps are on pages 77, 83, 87, combine the products for the legend, and color as three groups, New England, Middle, and Southern.
This is due on September 26, not Monday.
On Monday, the students should have their annotated bibliographies for the History Fair Project. They are to have a minimum of 25 resources which can include pictures, movies, political cartoons, books, websites, and articles from newspapers, magazines, and interviews.

History Fair Dates:

Topic and Group (If any): September 7

Annotated Bibliography (at least 25 sources): September 24/25

Process Paper: October 4/5

Project Due: October 22/23: Present to class, House Fair

All School Fair: November 6,7,8


Algebra 1: We will finish Chapter 1 on Tuesday and have an exam covering Chapter 1 on Thursday. Friday, we plan to begin working with our new Carnegie Software. All lab work and work that needs to be done that is past due must be finished by Friday. The note taking guide and vocabulary for chapter 1 is due are due on Thursday.

Pre-Algebra 3rd Period: On Monday, we will begin Chapter 2. An assessment will occur on Thursday. Students will begin working with the Neufeld Software on Friday.

Pre-Algebra 5th Period: We will continue to work in Chapter 1, working supplemental sections in class with unfinished work to be done at home. Students will spend time reviewing order of operations as well as working with negative numbers. Students will also review solving for a variable. Please look for supplemental materials to come home during the week.