Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weekly Update 3/3-3/7


Report Cards went home Wednesday, Feb. 27th. If you have not seen it already, please ask your child to show you their report. IMPORTANT DATE: The TAKS Reading Test is Wednesday, March 5.

The teachers seized a teaching moment for this Friday, February 29. We are having a film festival using films relating to the Civil War and the Buffalo Soldiers. By the time you read this message, you should have signed a permission slip for your student to see the film Glory and one from the Buffalo Soldiers Museum. No student will be permitted to see the film if they do not produce a permission slip Friday morning. They will be another related activity with Ms. Hennagir in the library and getting much of the same Civil War content. The students have the following assignment relating to this “teaching moment”. They will receive grades from the four of us in the 8 C Cluster.

House C, Grade 8 Film Festival
Lessons: February 29, 2008

1. Write all the locations mentioned in both films.

2. Label each location mentioned on the map.

3. Label neatly all the states.

4. Color according to Union and Confederate States, Union Territories

Writing Assignment:

1. Assume the persona of a soldier fighting in the Civil War by creating your own name and personal life details. Write in a brief paragraph.

2. Write a letter home in the voice of your persona. Include your experiences, hopes, dreams based on actual events from the movie such as battles, travels, and locations. Some creative information may be added and is encouraged, but the following is required:


The date and location

Five to six factual statements about the events that took place in the movie.
(It must make sense in the context of your letter and should be woven in where appropriate.)

3. The letter must have paragraphs and be indented properly with correct spelling and grammar.

4. The letter must look old and authentic and be put into a similar envelope. This can be done creatively; it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and buy special materials.

5. The assignment is due on Monday.


Next week is a big week—The Reading TAKS Test is Wednesday, March 5th. We have been preparing all year, so I know they are ready (and ready for it to be over!). Please encourage your child to dress in layers, eat a good breakfast, and get restful sleep the night before.

We will continue doing some TAKS prep/practice on Monday/Tuesday. Thursday and Friday will be spent continuing our reading of the play, 12 Angry Men. Students will be receiving a project-ish assignment next week relating to 12 Angry Men.

Spring Break is around the corner. I encourage all students to set themselves up to relax and enjoy the time off; however, Independent Book Projects are due the week following Spring Break, so they need to be aware and plan accordingly. They should be done with their books, so encourage them to start now—and get it done early. With all the extra time given on this particular unit, I am expecting spectacular projects.

Biography, Autobiography, and Memoirs
PROJECTS are due March 26-27(this is AFTER TAKS and SPRING BREAK) and will be presented in class.


(American History)

The students have received their assignment for Chapter 13 which relates to the increased differences between the North and the South. This will be due, at the earliest, March 5/6 and it probably will be the following week before we actually start discussing it. Some of your students need to learn that they must do their homework. Those who had it the other day were able to use it on their test. It is a grade for everyone and I will not take it after we have the test over the material.
Time lines over Chapter 12 are due on Monday/Tuesday.

Please email Mr. Scott for information about Science.

Email Mrs. Qureshi for information about Math.

Foreign Language Department BLOG: See link below