Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Weekly Update 2/4-2/8


Progress Reports went home Wednesday, Jan. 30th.

The blog format and colors have been changed--enjoy!


We are continuing to work on our persuasive papers in class, but some writing should be done at home. Final papers, typed, are due on Friday, Feb. 15 and will be worth 2 grades. This is in addition to the other grades that have been/will be taken for "effort" along the way. Students have received a handout that includes all formatting requirements, in addition to some helpful examples.

We will continue our study of 12 Angry Men. We are finishing up the movie, and will begin reading the play next week. We will do play/movie related activities along the way. Students will have a quiz over each half of the movie. Notes may be used, if students decide to take notes during the viewing, and bring them on quiz days.

INDEPENDENT BOOK UNIT: Biography, Autobiography, and Memoirs
Book Checks (students bring their books to school to receive a grade) were January 23-24. This time, we will have 2 literature circle discussion groups: 1st (half the book should be read at this point) on Feb. 7/8 (the school day schedule has changed since this date was assigned, therefore, BLUE day students will have literature circles on Thursday, 2/7, and Green Day students will have literature circles on the orginal date, Friday, 2/8. Because of this, no student may attend the faculty/student basketball game being held during 7th period Thursday. If a student attends, they will be counted absent, as teacher permission is required to attend. Literature Circles #2 2nd (book should be completely read) on Feb. 22. PROJECTS are due March 28-29 (this is AFTER TAKS and SPRING BREAK) and will be presented in class.

All the students received grade reports and progress reports this week. Please ask your student for them if they have not shared them with you. The Constitution project was 25% of the grade so if a student did not do this as instructed, it is possible the grade was low. There were 170 points total and many had perfect project grades. I have told the students to look at their projects and check over the rubric.

The major Constitution test was this week; even though we had spent some time on this material and reviewed thoroughly for the test, some of the students did not do well on the test. Their grades reflected that. Questions from this test will be included on the next test late next week.

We now are covering the Jefferson Era, the War of 1812, and Indian warfare during this period, and going into the Reform Movement shortly. Work due this week and on Monday/Tuesday covers Chapters 8 and 9. The students have the assignments with these chapters on handouts.

All Classes
This week 1/28-2/1 we will be using the mouse trap cars (see project requirements bellow) to apply the mathematical formulas under experimental conditions.Many of the objectives covered will inter-relate and be repeated throughout the next two weeks.(See specific objectives from previous blog)
1. Car must travel a minimum of three meters
2. Car must be powered by mouse trap(s)
3. Original designs preferred and rewarded but not required, students may use kits
4. Cars are due 1/28 and 1/29 ready to be tested.
No Class Time for Construction, No late work

Aesthetics, students should decorate, paint or generally make their car their own (1 grade)
2. Car rolls under mouse trap power for at least 3 meters (1 grade)
3. Car is complete and ready to conduct experiments on the day it is due (1 grade)DAY TWO AND BEYOND
4. Student will complete experiments with their car about speed, acceleration, force, work, and power (5 grades)
5. Each experiment must have a complete data table, graph of results and conclusion demonstrating understanding of problem.
6. Extra credit for original designs and constructions (1 grade) I would encourage students to attempt to design and construct an original car, see the internet, but will allow students to construct kits (a good place to find kits are Hobby Lobby or any model store), but there is no reason for students to not have a completed car.

This week, students will complete Chapter 5 and will take an assessment on the content of Chapter 5. The exam will be Friday, February 8th. Students will complete the chapter on Monday and will review on Wednesday. Time each class period is being devoted to discussion about the six objective packets. The Objective 4 Packet is due Monday, February 4th. The Objective 4 Quiz will be the following Monday, at which time the Objective 5 Packet will be due. Regular homework will be due as posted in class. To recap:

Monday: Objective 4 Packet due;
Wednesday: Review for the Chapter 5 Exam/Discussion on Objective 5;
Friday: Chapter 5 Assessment;
Following Monday: Objective 4 Quiz/Objective 5 Packet due;

Students will complete Chapter 6 this week and will take an assessment covering the Chapter. The test will be on Friday. Students have the Objective 4 Quiz on Thursday, February 7th. On the same day, the Objective 5 Packet is due. Regular homework will be due as posted in class. To recap, the following assignments are due this week:
Thursday: Objective 5 Packet is due and the Objective 4 Quiz will be taken;Friday: Chapter 6 Assessment;

Foreign Language Department BLOG: See link below