Wednesday, September 26, 2007


If athletes (football players, volleyball players, etc.) need to stay after school with an academic teacher to make up work or tests, the students should let their coaches know before staying. They also should ask their teachers to give them a pass or note to the coaches. Please make sure your student athlete is aware of this.

This week completes the 5th week of the six weeks grading period. Please monitor your students and encourage them to get all work turned in before teacher-specific deadlines. Thank you for your support and assistance at home.

FYI--REPORT CARDS will go home on Friday, Oct. 12th.

Important Info regarding Magnet HIGH SCHOOLS: Magnet High Schools will have representation on the Pin Oak campus on Oct. 19th. Time TBA (information via Ms. Graves, Magnet Coordinator)

This week, we will begin doing some grammar activities and will begin our background study of the Holocaust (depending on if the necessary materials from the Holocaust Museum arrive when scheduled). With the end of the six weeks approaching next week, I will not accept any work, late or otherwise, after Wednesday, Oct. 3.

Students received a project choice list to accompany their independent reading books. This list is one they should keep and refer to when completing each project. The due date for the first project (over the Holocaust/WWII book) will be due OCT. 31-NOV. 1. Please monitor that your child is reading their book at an appropriate pace to allow them time to complete a quality project. Thank you for your assistance with this.

The students had a major test this week over all the material to date.
This will be a part of the six weeks grade. If your student has not passed the test over the world map, he/she really needs to make up this test. It will be the only test they can make up all year. I expect to see them by Monday after school or it will be too late after that. Students also may come during advisory.
The advanced assignment is Chapter 4, pp. 98-127. Read, answer all questions, and define all vocabulary terms in the assessments and questions.
The process paper for the History Fair is due on October 4/5. This paper is critical for the project. The students should refer to the website for additional assistance. Also, Mrs. Powell is helping students on Tuesday and Thursday in the library if any wish to stay for additional help.

History Fair Dates:

Topic and Group (If any): September 7

Annotated Bibliography (at least 25 sources): September 24/25

Process Paper: October 4/5

Project Due: October 22/23: Present to class, House Fair

All School Fair: November 6,7,8

ALL Classes

TLW: 1) Apply critical thinking strategies to conduct exploratory investigations; "Stink-o-Rific" and "Flame On"
2) Compare and contrast endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions.
3) Explain the relationship of elements to react chemically and form new substances.
4) Apply the laws of Conservation of Matter and Conservation of Energy to the classroom investigations.


Algebra 1: 2nd, 4th, 6th:
Students will cover Chapter 2: Properties of Real Numbers. Students will finish the chapter at the beginning of next week (Tuesday, October 2nd and will take an exam covering the material on Tuesday, October 8th. This chapter is mainly a review of 8th grade topics. Students have already covered section 2.5 in their text which involves the distributive property.

Pre-Algebra 3rd Period:
Students were tested last week on Chapter 1. Chapter 2 involves the Rational Number System. Students will focus on the following sections:
2-1 Rational Numbers;
2-2 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers;2-3 Multiplying Positive and Negative Fractions;
2-4 Dividing Positive and Negative Fractions;
2-5 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions;
Students can expect a mid-chapter assessment for learning. This assessment will be graded, but not recorded. Students will use this assessment to determine what areas in chapter 2, sections 2-5, they have yet to master. Students will then use this information to review content not yet mastered.

Pre-Algebra 5th:
Students can expect an assessment on Wednesday, September October 3rd covering Chapter 1 material. Last week, students spent time reviewing order of operation and working with positive and negative integers. We will complete the study of Chapter 1 with an in class review of the chapter on Monday, October 1st, followed by the exam on October 3rd. Students will work with the Neufeld Software Package on Friday, October 5th.