Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weekly Update 9/17-9/21

General Reminders:
Wednesday, Sept. 19 is OPEN HOUSE @ 6:30. We are excited to meet you!

This week, students will continue to read silently in class everyday and complete daily reading journals. Many students are still not bringing books to class, and I have begun to issue detentions for lack of supplies. Please speak with your child about bringing a book they have not read before to class to read, every day.
Students have received two letters this week to bring home to you. One is a summer reading letter letting you know that progress reports will not include the reading journal grade or the summer reading test grades (a total of 5), thus the averages you see at progress report time could change dramatically, depending on the quality of these assignments. This letter should be signed by both you and your student and returned to receive 5 points of extra credit. The other letter is a book list for the first independent reading unit we are doing. The genre is World War II and/or Holocaust novels. The list is for guidance only; a student can pick any book on their own, as long as it meets the requirements stated on the list. Due to mature content, all books must be approved by you before I will accept their choice. The permission slip is on the second page of the book list. This is due on Sept. 25-26, along with having their book in class to show me (this is a grade). Having the permission slip on this day will give them 10 extra credit points, and I MUST have the permission slip before I will accept their project. The project due date will be announced later, but it counts for 3 grades, so please monitor that your student has turned their permission slip in before the due date to avoid issues.
This week, we will be focusing on CONFLICT. Over the weekend, students have been asked to find a newspaper clipping or magazine clipping that depicts conflict in a current event. They should cut it out, glue it to paper, and label it Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, or Man vs. Himself. They should also include a brief explanation of how their picture can be related to Lord of the Flies.
Upcoming important dates: Summer Reading Journals are due Sept. 26-27. This is also the day of their Summer Reading Test. The students have been assigned a get-to-know-you project called the Introduce Yourself Booklet. This is due on Sept. 17-18. Book Checks are Sept. 25-26 and permission slips are due on the same day.

The assignment due for Tuesday includes the following:
Chart on the explorers, read chapter 2, Define terms on page 64, answer the following questions on pp. 64 and 65-#4-13, 16, 18-23.
My assignments usually are given a week in advance. Therefore, if a student is absent, he/she should have the work upon return. Students may not use the excuse they were absent the day or two days before the work is due when they have had the assignment for a week or more. If there are extenuating circumstances, please let me know.
It is very important the students take notes on class lectures, discussion, and the reading material. These notes will help them on their tests throughout the year and in future years.
Following are dates for History Fair:
Assigned: August 27, 2007
Topics and Groups (if any) due: September 14
Annotated Bibliography (at least 25 sources): September 24/25
Process Paper: October 4/5
Project due: October 22/23: Present to class, House Fair
All School Fair for winners of House Fairs: November 6, 7, 8.
The website is National History Day. All the rules, suggested topics, and many good ideas are on this website. There also are pictures of winners from past years.


1) Interpret information on the periodic table to demonstrate how physical and chemical properties are used to group elements.

2) Complete electron configuration and orbital notations for the first 20 elements on the periodic table.

3) Explain how the arrangements of electrons in the energy levels impact chemical bonding and chemical reactions.

4) Complete “Mendeleev cards lab”. “Electron configuration activity” and “Slots and Arrows Lab”

5) Complete reflection cards for the week (done on charger days)IPC students must return parent acknowledgment form signed on both sides by the 18th

Science 8 / Pre-AP- VG:TLW:
1) Determine the identity of an atom based on its subatomic parts.

2) Describe the structure and parts of an atom.

3) Complete “Multimedia Atom” and the “Rutherford Simulation” activities. 4) Complete reflection cards for the week (done on charger days)

Please email Ms. Qureshi for next week’s topics in Math and Knitting.