Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weekly Update 12/17-20


The holidays are almost here!! This week, school will be in session Monday through Thursday with Thursday being an Early Release Day at 1 pm. Please arrange for appropriate transportations for your child at 1pm. There is no school on Friday. Enjoy the break!

Our team wishes you and yours the happiest of holidays and a relaxing break from work and school. School resumes on Monday, January 7. See you in 2008!


This week, we are wrapping up our Holocaust unit by watching Freedom Writers in class. Only students who have produced a signed permission slip from a parent are permitted to watch the film. The film features Miep Gies, The Frank family’s helper, and has an overall powerful message about learning despite individual circumstances.

ALL WORK IS DUE BY WED. DEC. 19 FOR MY CLASS, No exceptions. ALL EXTRA CREDIT is due by DEC. 17.

Last Thursday, many of the students had a unique opportunity. For the first time in the history of school, the students participated in a distance learning activity from Antarctica. Ann Linsley and Dr. Andrew Klein reported on the research on the human impact on the environment in and around McMurdo in Antarctica. This is one of the main scientific bases on the continent and has been in operation for many years. In years past, people were not as concerned about environmental impact as they are now so this research is helping the scientists determine what types of contaminants are there and how these are affecting the environment. This was a live broadcast and the students were able to ask questions of the two researchers. There were a number of pictures showing the environment and the research. This broadcast was picked up by a number of schools and individuals around the country. It also was unique in that it focused on the Bellaire feeder pattern with Horn Academy, Pin Oak, and Bellaire High School all participating in the same project. There should be an article in the education section of the newspaper this week or next.

I am going to be participating in some of the debriefing of this project in Auckland and Christ Church and will be gone next week.

The assignments for next week and after the holiday are as follows:

Read and study, pp. 217-230, answer questions 5-14, p. 231. These should be answered in complete sentences. Define the terms a-f. Read and study the Constitution, pp. 233-253. Study the sidebars and answer all questions in the sidebars. Also, keep a separate list of the vocabulary terms and their definitions as instructed. Work on the three sheets relating to the Constitution given to you on Tuesday and Wednesday. All of these will go into the back of the Constitution booklet due January 18. We will be discussing the questions in class.

Websites for the Constitution booklet:

These websites will help on the Constitution project.
All of the students have received the assignment on the Constitution project.

Most of the students did a wonderful job on the storyboard. I am counting this as a test grade because the requirements for this assignment and the learning resulting were more challenging than reviewing for a test.

Students always have the opportunity for extra-credit over holidays. If they leave town, they may keep a journal, mark the route on a map, visit something educational, take pictures, and generally have a good record of their trip. This should be presented as a booklet with pictures and neatly written.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, and Great New Year! I will see the students again on January 7.

Please email Mr. Scott for Science Info

Algebra: Testing 123…Students in Algebra 1 will take the semester final on Tuesday, December 18th from 9:00-11:00. Students from across the school will take the exam together in the multipurpose room. Reviews were sent home, along with specific questions sections students should review for the exam. Please ask your algebra student to show you how he/she did on the review and require that they review in their texts to get ready for the exam. I will be available after school and during advisory on Monday for any last minute student questions. Vocabulary for Chapter 4 is due on Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra 3rd Period:

We will cover textbook sections 4-6 and 4-7 during class on Monday. Students will complete sections 4-8 in class on Wednesday. Sections 4-9 and 4-10 will be covered the first day we meet after the holidays. All assignments for this week have been assigned and students have been instructed to fill out their agendas with the relevant information.

Pre-Algebra 5th Period:
Monday, December 17th, Students will take a test covering chapter 4. Sections 4-9 and 4-10 are due on Monday, along with the vocabulary for chapter 4.

Foreign Language Department BLOG: See link below