Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weekly Update 12/3-12/7


-Progress reports will go home Friday, Dec. 7.

-If your child is applying to magnet high schools and the application requires teacher recommendation letters or forms to be completed, please allow ample time for the teacher. Be sure to include all necessary documents, including an addressed, stamped envelope where appropriate. Thank you!


This week, we will finish reading Daniel’s Story in class. Related activities will be assigned as classwork/homework. We will do other Holocaust related activities as time allows, including watching a video about America’s role in WWII and Freedom Writers (this is PG 13, includes some vulgar language—I will be sending home a permission slip if our schedule allows us time to view this movie—permission slips must be signed by for your child to view this.)

Congrats to Ray Torres and Jasmine Suryawan for being the English Question of the Week winners! The two will be entered into our monthly drawing for 10 dollar gift cards. We are combining Nov. and Dec. for the drawing this time because of the short amount of time we are here in December.

Parent approval forms are due on or before the day the projects are due, which is Dec. 12-13. Parent approval forms that were turned in on the day of book checks (Nov. 12-13) were awarded extra credit points. Please monitor your child regarding their reading and completing these assignments—time management is key to completing this work, and some students still need guidance with self-pacing.
Literature Circles will be held in class on Monday/Tuesday, Dec. 10-11. This means that books must be completely read and questions answered.


The students had two tests this week. On one, over chapters 5 and six, the students did fairly well, but many failed the one over the Declaration of Independence. It is obvious that they have not done their homework. Please encourage your student to do the assigned reading and work. The major homework assignments this six weeks were two new social studies skills: One was the analysis of one of the early leaders from the American and the British viewpoints (Hero/Villain). The second skill is that of a story map. The students had a variety of events from which they had to select at least five related events to complete the story map. I had two different types of examples they could use. Many have not done this work or they did not relate the items. Again, it is imperative the students pay attention to the introduction of these new skills and to do them. The rest of the year and into next year we will be studying the United States Constitution. The students will learn their rights and responsibilities through this study, and doing well on this will make their high school and college study easier. All students have study questions over Chapter 7 which are due this week. In addition, they will receive a new skills assignment on making a storyboard. This assignment will be due December 10/11. The next project is one on the Constitution. I will assign this shortly, but it is not due until some time in mid January. The students will need to use a computer and a library in order to complete this assignment. Perhaps they can go to the library over the winter holiday.


All Classes
1. Illustrate and explain how the spin and tilt of the Earth accounts for the length of a day
2. Relate the relationship of the tilt of the Earth on its axis to weather patterns and climate zones
3. Complete lab activities related to heat transformation and Convection currents related to weather patterns.
Use weather symbols and terminology and weather maps to interpret data.
5. Complete Texas Chilly maps, and conclusion rubric.
6. Complete heat transfer lab activity and write, graphs, and conclusions on results.

We will continue in chapter 4. Students will learn the point slope and the standard form of a line. We will continue solving for a variable, working with literal equations, and graphing lines given various pieces of information. The Objective 1 Quiz will be on Friday.

Pre-Algebra 3rd:
We will continue working in Chapter 4. Students will cover the remainder of chapter 4. We have covered through 4-4. Chapter 4 is all about ratios and proportions. The Objective 1 Quiz will be on Friday. Students can expect and exam on Chapter 4 next week.

Pre-algebra 5th:
Students will begin Chapter 4 and work through the first four sections. Chapter 4 is all about ratios and proportions. The Objective 1 Quiz is will be on Friday.

Foreign Language Department BLOG: See link below