Thursday, March 13, 2008

Weekly Update--SPRING BREAK


Progress Reports went home today, March 13, 2008. Please ask your child to see it.


INDEPENDENT BOOK UNIT: Biography, Autobiography, and Memoirs
PROJECTS are due March 28-29 (this is AFTER TAKS and SPRING BREAK) and will be presented in class. Wednesday 3/26 is a GREEN DAY. Thursday 3/27 is a BLUE DAY!

Kindness Quilt fabric and $5.00 due Friday, March 28. Ask your child to see the information sheet about this 8th Grade Class Project.

The student received progress reports today. If the student has low grades, most likely that student has not submitted the required work. That will be due when the vacation ends. Also, the Reform Chart from Chapter 14 assigned two weeks ago is due the first day I see them in class. That means periods 3 and 7 will be due on Tuesday and the rest on Wednesday. These must be in on time.

I have given the students a number of extra credit assignments they may do this class. If they take a trip any place, they may keep a journal, a map of their routes and places visited, pictures, brochures, and what they learned. I encourage them to visit a museum or special park and describe what they learned there. In addition to a trip, the students may still visit the Lucy Exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science, the Pompeii Exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, or use OPTIC to analyze historical paintings. They also may tour Houston riding the train and visiting various areas in the city. On this Sunday, March 16, there is a free family day at Bayou Bend at the Ima Hogg Mansion. This is at Westcott and Memorial from 1:00 until 5:00. There are activities for all, gardeners will be speaking and explaining the gardens, there will be music and dance, and the opportunity to make some craft item. For credit for this, the student should write what he/she learned, saw, and did, take some pictures and describe the activity and place.
Please refer to past Blogs about the extra credit work.

The students have received assignments through Chapter 15, the beginning of the Civil War which we will be studying until TAKS.

Have a nice break.

Please email Mr. Scott for Science/IPC information


Foreign Language Department BLOG: See link below