Friday, October 5, 2007

WEEKLY UPDATE 10/8-10/12


Parents, thank you so much for your support and involvement this first six weeks of school. We encourage and welcome you to be a part of our “family” in 8C. If you feel your child is struggling and needs tutorials, please monitor that they attend. The earlier we address issues, the better chance the students have of being successful. On that note, please encourage your students to ask for help as soon as they need it, and not to wait until the very last week or two (or day(s)!) of a grading period. At that point, the hill they have to climb is much steeper. We want all of our students to be responsible and successful!

FYI--REPORT CARDS will go home on Friday, Oct. 12th. The 2nd six weeks begins on Monday, Oct. 8th.

Important Info regarding Magnet HIGH SCHOOLS: Magnet High Schools will have representation on the Pin Oak campus on Oct. 19th. Time TBA (information via Ms. Graves, Magnet Coordinator)

Some classes will be participating in a program sponsored by the Houston Area Rotary Club in the coming weeks. The volunteer Rotarians will be leading activities in the classrooms that teach the students life skills (finances, jobs, etc.) This is a great opportunity for learning, and we are pleased that some of our students will be able to participate during the time the Rotarians are available to be here.

This week, we will be doing some grammar activities, including sentence diagramming and learning about verbs. We will also be starting our unit on the Holocaust this week. We will study background information about WWII and will later get into literature from that time period. I am sending a letter home for you to read on Tuesday and Wednesday next week concerning the Holocaust unit, so please ask your child to see it.

Independent Book Projects due OCT. 1/NOV. 1. Please monitor your child’s progress on this assignment, as it counts 3 times in the gradebook.

Some of the students had questions about the process paper for the History Fair project so I extended the date to Monday/Tuesday, October 8/9. I know some already had theirs, but I prefer to wait to collect them all at the same time.
In addition, their assignment for next week is to read Chapter 5 and answer the section assessments and chapter questions 1-28. We will be doing other things in class, but this will give them the background they need for the class work.

The library is open before and after school and during lunch time. Many students are sitting in the cafeteria visiting when they have work to do. Please encourage them to make better use of their time by using the library for reading or study.

History Fair Dates:
Process Paper due, October 8/9
Final Project due: October 22/23
All School Fair: November 6, 7, 8

Mr. Scott is out ill. Please email him with any questions you may have, and he will respond as soon as he is able.


Please email Ms. Qureshi for more information about Math and Knitting.